JAKARTA, WB – Menyikapi singgasana kepemimpinan seorang Donald Trump atas negara adidaya Amerika Serikat, dinilai oleh banyak kalangan justru seperti membawa banyak keperihatinan juga kekhawatiran atas perdamaian dunia. Politisi berlatar belakang pengusaha itu, kerap menabrak aturan hukum internasional. Terlebih pasca aksi cerobohnya yang `merestui` kota tua Jerusalem sebagai ibu kota Israel.
Salahsatu kritikan juga datang dari Budayawan tanah air Denny JA. Ia melihat publik Amerika Serikat harus disadarkan bahwa Presiden mereka, Donald Trump, bukan hanya memiliki problem mental namun juga berbahaya bagi dunia yang damai.
Lewat guratan tinta, Denny JA menuangkan rangkaian kata kritik dalam sebuah puisi berjudul “Palestina Setelah Donald Trump, yang diterjemahkan ke bahasa Inggris menjadi “Palestine After Donald Trump.”
“Saya awalnya biasa saja ketika membaca ulasan seorang ahli psikiatris forensik Bandy X Lee, di New York Times 30 november 2017. Walau menulis atas nama pribadi, Bandy X Lee memberikan argumen ilmiah dengan bukti awal yang meyakinkan betapa Donald Trump menunjukkan prilaku gangguan mental yang bisa mendorong kebijakan berbahaya,” ujar Denny menganalisa.
Denny melihat, dari catatan Bandy tersebut, pandangannya itu didukung oleh semakin banyak psikiatris profesional. Namun tak banyak yang bisa mereka perbuat karena Trump kini presiden Amerika Serikat.
Bandy sudah menyarankan agar Trump dijauhkan dari kekuasaan. Apalagi ia sebagai presiden Amerika Serikat punya akses pada senjata nuklir yang berbahaya.
“Saya mulai meyakini himbauan Bandy itu setelah melihat Trump membuat kebijakan soal Jerusalem. Enteng saja ia melawan hukum internasional, melawan tradisi para presiden Amerika Serikat sebelumnya, mengabaikan aneka stake holders. Secara unilateral, ia umumkan Jerusalem ibu kota Israel,” kata Denny.
Dengan putusan tersebut lanjut Denny, Trump seolah tak peduli kekerasan yang akan terjadi akibat kebijakannya. Tak lama media memberitakan protes dunia dan penduduk Palestina. Terbukti sudah beberapa penduduk Palestina yang protes atas itu dan kini terbunuh.
“Dengan latar itu saya menulis puisi bahasa Indonesia yang kemudian diterjemahkan rekan ke bahasa Inggris. Puisi ini mencoba menangkap batin rakyat Palestina yang bersiap kehilangan nyawa merebut kemerdekaan. Kemerdekaan itu hak segala bangsa. Ini puisi lengkapnya,” ujar Denny,
Palestine After DONALD TRUMP by Denny JA
In front of the grave,
A mother hugs her teen son
Tears flow from the mother’s eyes
My heart has been sliced in two
She whispers silently
“Will I lose you, too, my child?
You are all I have left.”
Mother stares at rows of graves.
Her eldest son lies in a grave to her right.
Her husband lies in a grave to her left.
Her father lies in a grave over there.
Her grandfather lies in a grave over here.
All had been killed.
She kissed the grave of her husband.
Oh, God, I truly lack the strength.
I have already given everything
We just want to be independent.
That grave
Just wanted to say No to the settlers
Over a long period of time.
This grave just wants to liberate the land of his forebears We just want to be independent.
Oh, Palestine,
Now only one of my children remains.
I should fulfill the will of his father
To struggle to liberate you,
although at the expense of life.
Mother hugged her child, again and again,
the one that still remained.
Tears flowed in torrents
And became an ocean.
Land, stones, trees, wind
Wept with her.
The sky drizzled.
In the meantime, over there
From the height of his throne,
The ruler,
Stood alone, engrossed in his office
For him, Palestine is merely a globe
He has fun playing with.
He head-butts the globe high in the air.
The ball falls, he bounces it off his shoulder
The ball descends, he bounces with his heel.
His body twists to the right,
then twists to the left.
Oh, what fun it is.
He doesn`t care
That one of these head-butts
Has shaken Palestine.
So many lives have been lost
Mothers lost their husband.
Children lost their father.
Husbands lost their wife.
How unfortunate,
the earth is crying
but is helpless
In every town
The news has spread
Jerusalem is completely for the colonists.
The imperialist-minded ruler
just wants to make history.
To oppose the world.
For this mother,
it is not just news.
It is only a sign.
She will lose another son,
the one that still remains.
She is preparing the weapons
As instructed by her husband,
As instructed by her father,
As instructed by her grandfather,
As instructed by her ancestors.
Justice must be staunch.
Meaning must rise above death!
December, 2017.[]